Erotic trance a wonderful state of mind to be in. Dreamy, relaxing, comforting and oh so arousing. Can't you just imagine flaking out and completely letting go, listening to a sexy erotic hypnotist? It's true, erotic hypnosis is a fascinating and exciting journey. However, I wouldn't be doing my job as a responsible hypnotist if I didn't talk about the issues, pitfalls and obstacles one may face as they pursue this pastime.
I am always amazed how many people just jump in and offer their brain to some unknown hypnotist to tinker with. Aside from assessing as to whether they are ethical you also need to ensure they are capable. The easiest way to discover is to post questions in a YAHOO forum such as HYPNOPLAYTIME or HYPNOFETISH or ask others. If a hypnotist doesn't have a proven track record and you don't know them you need to seriously ask if this is a smart move for you. Relevant hypnosis certification is fine but this information can be difficult to prove and very easy to fake.
To put things in perspective, consider that walking on a sidewalk can be dangerous if you don't show a decent level of common sense and caution on your journey. If you ignore traffic rules, walk into stationary things you can easily get hurt. Experimenting with erotic hypnosis is just the same. You need to use your head if you are going to play with your head.
I am always amazed how many people just jump in and offer their brain to some unknown hypnotist to tinker with. Aside from assessing as to whether they are ethical you also need to ensure they are capable. The easiest way to discover is to post questions in a YAHOO forum such as HYPNOPLAYTIME or HYPNOFETISH or ask others. If a hypnotist doesn't have a proven track record and you don't know them you need to seriously ask if this is a smart move for you. Relevant hypnosis certification is fine but this information can be difficult to prove and very easy to fake.
If you suffer from psychotic ailments, experience significant depression or anxiety then think twice before you play. Hypnosis can stir up surppressed emotions and make things uncomfortable for you. Hypnosis won't break you but it might force you to do some mental housecleaning you have been putting off.
If you suffer from psychotic ailments, experience significant depression or anxiety then think twice before you play. Hypnosis can stir up surppressed emotions and make things uncomfortable for you. Hypnosis won't break you but it might force you to do some mental housecleaning you have been putting off.
Good hypnotists and bad hypnotists exist on the Internet. It doesn't matter if they are free or they charge, good and bad exist in both sectors. Your relationship should be focused on achieving what you want, so make sure you understand exactly what they have to offer. A safe erotic hypnotist should be prepared to describe the session and ensure you they make no other secret suggestions. The primary concern to me is around suggestions that require you to work with one hypnotist, divulge private information or suggest you will give them money (outside of a reasonable session fee). You must always be keenly aware of the hypnotists intent.
Good hypnotists and bad hypnotists exist on the Internet. It doesn't matter if they are free or they charge, good and bad exist in both sectors. Your relationship should be focused on achieving what you want, so make sure you understand exactly what they have to offer. A safe erotic hypnotist should be prepared to describe the session and ensure you they make no other secret suggestions. The primary concern to me is around suggestions that require you to work with one hypnotist, divulge private information or suggest you will give them money (outside of a reasonable session fee). You must always be keenly aware of the hypnotists intent.
First, let me give you my definition of addiction. Addiction is anything, be it a good habit or bad where you sacrifice other aspects of your life in order to get more of it. Everything you do needs to be in balance. Erotic Hypnosis is fun and pleasurable but too much can be problematic. Be aware of the time you spend on your fetish. If you run into difficulty ask your hypnotist for help or give yourself the freedom to stop immediately. You absolutely can.
First, let me give you my definition of addiction. Addiction is anything, be it a good habit or bad where you sacrifice other aspects of your life in order to get more of it. Everything you do needs to be in balance. Erotic Hypnosis is fun and pleasurable but too much can be problematic. Be aware of the time you spend on your fetish. If you run into difficulty ask your hypnotist for help or give yourself the freedom to stop immediately. You absolutely can.
I am not going to judge your secret desires but I do want to reinforce the notion that you will become what you seek. It's that simple and the more you want it the more you will become it, so step back from time to time and think about your future. Ask yourself, is this behaviour something I am seeking for my long term.
Ultimately I want you to enjoy your hypnotic experiences. I want them to be a part of you that brings you pleasure and excitement. I have seen first hand the excitement and arousal erotic hypnosis can bring into peoples lives. All I ask is that you enjoy it in a safe, sane manner that enhances your future.
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